2025年1月21日Read more...🔔 恩高光学2025年春节放假前通知🔔 👋 亲爱的同事们, 📆 放假时间:从1月25日至2月4日(11天) 调休日2月8日(周六)正常上班。 💡 **放假...Read more...申请技术: 未来智行PC轻量化防爆透明材料在智能汽车和低空飞行的创新运用 申报单位: 江苏恩高光学材料有限公司 在汽车整车制造下游需求变迁的拉动下,汽车玻璃行业呈现出单车...2025年1月8日Read more...一.减重前行,油/电 立减 汽车行驶过程中,需克服的阻力与重量密切相关,传统汽车玻璃厚重,犹如给车辆绑上沙袋。以常见的 5mm 厚钢化玻璃车窗为例,若替换为 4mm 厚的轻量化玻璃,单扇车...2024年12月19日Read more...2024年12月19日,闵行区举办了“相聚上海 共逐梦想”港澳台侨青年创新创业大赛颁奖仪式,这是一个专为港澳台侨青年创新创业项目提供展示平台和转化机会的重要赛事。赛事旨在鼓励和支持青年创业者,为...More PostsContact Us→
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After years of development, Anko Optics has successfully developed a "lightweight, safe, explosion-proof, PC hot press printable, hardened, wear-resistant, weather resistant transparent material and its innovative application in automobiles". It is the first product in China to pass the European plastic glass E-mark certification. The ANKOGLASS brand is used in the intelligent roof, transparent body, and fully transparent roof of new energy vehicles, mobile photovoltaic auxiliary energy roof, color changing sunroof Multiple applications such as the starry sky canopy, rear tail window, color changing safety explosion-proof partition screen, interior touch AR HUD front gear, and transparent A-pillar imaging screen provide safer transparent vision and liberate the design and styling process of the vehicle body for intelligent travel.>/format/png